Friday, January 7, 2011

And take one step towards it!

So I read this quote "Dream a crazy dream and take one step towards it!"  Wow!  I love that!  Right now, I am working on all my crazy dreams!  For 2011, I want to complete my NY Times Best seller, get my speaking business off the ground and pay off all my $10K+ in credit cad debt!  My book is loosely based on my Greek life.  It will include dramatic stories about my initiation, life on the yard and grad chapter experience.  I have found that there are many people who have gone thru less than what I went thru and are now MIA.  They have left their fraternity and sorority behind after being abused and scarred.  I refuse to carry too many scars or let them hold me back.  However, every now and then, there are certain events that trigger a negative memory.  For example, I so dislike when people say that I "wasn't made right".  It just burns me as I know that there is no such thing and people use it to disrespect you.  And even tho I don't like it, I use it too and  perpetuating the disrespect.  Well in my book, I explore this myth and how it affects people before, during and after initiation.  I am soliciting help from other greeks to get some juicy stories to spice up my book.  There will be stories like the one where one Sorority sister was sleeping with the boyfriend of another Sorority sister behind her back and then when busted, the boyfriend ends up encouraging both of them to live with him.  Within 6 mos of living together, both of the Sorority sisters end up pregnant!  Or how about the one where one Sorority sister is sleeping with two line brothers and one night after a party at the frat house, she sleeps with both of them at the same time!  Or how about the Sorority sister who steals money from the chapter's treasury to buy clothes.  Ok, ok enough of that but these are somewhat true stories!  Just hilarious!  Well after writing my book, I will be going on a speaking tour to promote it and discourage hazing.  I want to talk to college students how unnecessary it is to haze and how silly it is to think that disrespect and abuse will make someone a better member.  That's just ridiculous!  I am hoping that the money that I make from the speaking business will equal >$10K so I can pay off my credit card debt.  I am in debt because I live beyond my means!  So, in order to afford my expensive taste, I have to make more money.   In order to make more money, I have to do more work.  So my work of choice is writing and speaking.  I know that it will net me some great money and great experiences!  The country is broke right now but bad times don't last always!  While the country is preparing for its comeback, I am preparing for my debut! 

The other crazy dream is that I can be an actress!  I ran across a website for One Source talent and have signed up for their services.  This gives me access to casting calls and tons of information about jobs in tv, movies and print industry.  I have submitted my name for a few positions so we will see if they call me.  I have also joined another website that allows me to apply for jobs on reality shows.  Well, since I love drama and have a magnetic personality, I would be great on a reality show!  I have signed up for several of those too.  I signed up for one about debt reduction, of course, and another about finding love cause I need some serious help in both areas!   We'll see what happens!

Well wish me luck as I continue to dream my crazy dreams and take one step towards them!  And good luck to you as you do the same!  2011 is gonna rock!

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