Monday, April 30, 2012

No Mo' Anxiety

I let it go!  I gave it up to God!  I now see my boyfriend as a human man.  He has made mistakes and he has flaws.  That is perfect!  Why?  Because he's just like me.  I am human and I make mistakes.  I have flaws.  I had to go through a rough time to get that point.  I thought that he was perfect...he's not.  I realize that I can still love him, just as he is.  When we first met, he said that he would accept me just as I am.  I am now being asked to do the same thing.  I accept!  I am now in this thing for fun.  Tony Robbins said to exchange your expectation for gratitude and watch the world shift.  I am exchanging and thanking God for bringing this man to my life.  He has shown me that being human is okay and acceptable.  He will make mistakes and that's okay.  He has flaws, and that's okay.  He is not perfect and that is okay.  The same is for me.  I am human and I am okay.  I love that!!

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