Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 10 - the half way point! Yippee!!

So for me, this week is harder than last week.  I don’t know why.  I think I was able to trick my body into sitting still for 7 days.  But now, it’s like – what is really going on?  You still depriving us?  Where is the small jumbo shrimp dinner from Capt Hooks?  Yes, small jumbo!  Where is the crab cake sandwich that I like from Cosi?  Where are the Market Creation wings and mashed potatoes that I get for lunch?  Where is the ham and cheese croissant sandwich that I get from the Deli?  Where is the egg and bacon sandwich from Vista?  Where is the bag of chips that I snack on at Renee’s?  Where is the smoked turkey leg with rice that mom makes?  Where, where, oh where the hell is all that food that I like to eat??!!  Well I’m glad you asked that question.  I will tell you where it is.  It is turned into cholesterol and stuck to the vessels of my heart…preparing me for a heart attack.  It is stuck to the inside of my colon blocking me up and making me constipated.  It is collecting in my ankles and making me swell.  It is making my vision cloudy…it is making me lethargic…it is aging me…it is, it is, it is not what I want for the rest of my life.  So goodbye to all that stuff that taste soooo good!  I am not eating because things taste so good anymore.  I am eating to live!  My taste has now changed.  I have a taste for good living, healthy eating, longevity and vitality!  Now I have no idea what that looks like on Day 22!  I have no idea of what I want to eat after this is over…I need some coaching to help make this decision.  However, I do not want to go back from whence I came.  I want to keep the momentum going!  I have learned so much not only from Tam and Eric but also from Renee, Carolyn, Shaunda and Maurice.  It has been an adventure to say the least!  I have learned that I am a strong willed person.  I have learned that I can actually lose weight without exercising!  I have learned that my diet does cause my ankles to swell.  Now let’s talk ankles ladies…and some men too.  I have an overweight right ankle.  Ever since the blood clots got a hold to my right leg, they also caused some damage to my ankle.  Now my doc said that I can control the swelling with diet and exercise but since I don’t do either – here’s a pill.  I take water pills (25 mg hydrochlorothiazide) which also lower high blood pressure, which I do not have.   So now I take meds for something that I can control and choose not too and as a bonus get meds for something that I don’t want to have or develop.  What a concept!  Well since the detox, my ankle has lost weight.  It is no longer big as my right tit.  It is normal size.  Wow!  So diet does affect my swelling.  I didn’t want to believe that cause I wanted to keep eating 4 wings with hot sauce and popping a pill which didn’t work very well anyway.   So now I have a normal ankle and I want to keep it that way.  Soon, I'l be ditching that stupid pill!  Oh yeah, another thing I want to keep is this smooth skin that I have.  My husband is gonna love rubbing up against this stuff!  It’s like butter baby!!  The last thing that I want to keep is this “can do” attitude!  I can do it!  When asked – hey Mel can you really write a book?  My response is yes, yes I can!  Hey Mel – can you really wear a size 10 now?  My response is yes, yes I can!  Hey Mel  - can you make money selling stuff on the internet?  My response is yes, yes I can!  Hey Mel – can you help me detox and lose weight?  My response is yes, yes I can!  And when asked – Hey Mel – will you marry me?  My response is yes, yes I can!  Yes, yes I do!!

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