Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 5 and I'm still alive!

So today was a slow day.  I was able to work from home.  Thanks Boss Lady!  I sat on the couch, responded to emails and did some work.  I still do not have much pain today but a bit of discomfort and my stomach is tender to the touch.  The mighty mighty fibroids are dying.  Thank goodness!  I had my mommi drop off my detox diet to my doc's office.  Dr Sarma reviewed it and called me this afternoon with the approval to keep moving forward.  Yippee Skipee!  BUT, she also said that I have to come in and get my blood levels checked weekly.  Uh oh...she's gonna tell me that I have to cut back on the spinach.  See spinach works against my Coumadin and causes my blood to be too thick which puts me at risk for developing more blood clots.  The clots that I have now are behind my lower right leg.  They never went away as Coumadin is not a cure.  They are "encased" in my blood vessels like leeches and they won't let go.  So how did I find the clots?  Well, I was at work with a swollen ankle, pain and tightness in my right leg.  My co-workers encouraged me to go to the doc on a Fri I did.  The doc looked and said...hmmm...let's get a blood flow study to make sure that you do not have clots.  (Why do they always say "let's" when it is just me!!)  Anyway, I proudly left the office as I knew I did not have clots.  I zoomed over to Michael Reese Hospital before the lab closed to prove her wrong.  I was the last patient for the day.  As the tech scanned my leg, she said "hmmm, you're gonna be admitted.  You have clots."  WTF?!  I was stunned...and eventually admitted.  When the nurse took my pressure, it was high.  She asked if I had high blood pressure.  I responded sarcastically "no silly, I'm nervous!" I sat in the hospital for a week being pumped full of blood thinners...Coumadin by pill and lovenox injections.  They tested my blood count and it was extremely low.  I was also anemic from losing too much blood during my menstrual cycle.  The mighty mighty fibroids were contributing to this at the time, but I did not know it.  The docs offered to give me a blood transfusion but I refused.  They don't realize that low red blood cell count or anemia doesn't mean anything to me.  I charge on through life as if I am a healthy 25 year old!  I got no time for illness or for someone else's blood getting in me and screwing things up.  No thanks!  Once released, I was told to eat right, exercise and take Coumadin.  Is that it?  Yes it was.  The rest was up to me.  I came home and read about blood clots, Coumadin, side effects and diets that are now apart of my life.  At first I was all down about it.  Then I realized that God spared my life for a reason.  There are others who had my diagnosis and are not here to tell about it.  I am here and I am telling!  The moral of this story is...get checked out!

Also, my apartment is still in disarray.  I had my carpet taken up and my hardwood floors sanded and polished.  They are beau-ti-ful!  But then I realized that I need new paint and new curtains.  So the painters came over and patched some holes, put on some primer and taped up the floor.  On Monday, John and Thomas are coming back to paint and I will be 75% done with doing my living room over.  Yippee Skippee!  Once complete, I’ll take a pic for you to see.  But before then, I’ll need help putting all my things back in place.  I’m not much into manual labor.  Any takers?

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