Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Is it only Day 2??

Today was a day of questions.  It finally kicked in about what I was doing.  And then my sister weighed in.  She told me to check with my doctor and make sure that this will not harm me or counteract with my medicine.  My sister has a degree in nutrition so I know she knows a bit about nutrition.  I sent a text to Tammye to ask her about my electrolytes being off balance because of my frequent urination and sh*tting, as mentioned by Renee.  She said that yes, this can happen when using laxatives and from excessive sweating.  She recommended that I listen to my body.  (This is key...listen to your body).  If I feel lightheaded, then cut back and if not, then it's ok.  I was like ok, but let me check for myself.  (Always check for yourself) So I went to the online medicine bible for me,  And guess what?  The website mentioned that the 64 oz of water intake per day was never scientifically based on anything!  What?!  I have been holding on to that for dear life!  Woosah!  Now I can release it!  But wait...they also said that the Institute of Medicine did a study in 2004 and recommended that women, on average, should intake 91 oz of water!  And for men, 125 oz.  Wow!  You don't say!  The breakdown is 80% from water and 20% from the fluid that is in the food that you eat.  And since I am not eating any solid food right now, the 90 oz that I was drinking is actually right on target.  I get the other ounces from the juices that I drink. Wanna read the article:  So after I found that out, I called my doctor to make an appt.  I explained to the ofc mgr/medical asst/know-it-all receptionist about the detox program.  She said that it "should" be okay but to fax over the ingredients in the supplements that I am taking so that the doctor can review it for me.  Cool!  I'll do that tomorrow.

Now some of you might be saying...but Mel, what meds are you taking?  Well I am glad that you asked that question!  I am taking coumadin.  Yes, the stuff that your grandpa took after his heart attack or stroke.  It used to be an old people's med but now young folks take it too.  I was diagnosed with Protein-C deficiency in 2003 which caused a deep vein thrombosis better known as DVT, better known as blood clots.  My deficiency is genetic and I blame this one on dad as he had clots right before his death.  I know that I am not supposed to eat spinach as it works against my coumadin...actually any green, leafy vegetable like broccoli and collard greens are to be avoided.  And I love my mommas collards!  I am also supposed to avoid alcohol.  But my friends have seen me indulge in a hearty spinach salad then go out and have 2 apple martinis!  I am soooo out of integrity with treating my blood clots.  I pretend like they don't exist.  I forget to take my medicine.  I don't eat right.  I don't drink enough water.  I don't exercise enough to keep my blood moving...I can't sit for long periods in one spot.  This is my excuse to work a room!  You all see me walking around at different events like I am the ambassador of the welcome committee!  So I know what my doc will's ok but ditch the spinach.  I will say, ok but what can I eat that will give me the same benefit?  AHA!  I gotcha now!!  See, most physicians know how to treat illness but don't have a strong background in nutrition and eating healthy as a way of treating illness.  So I'll see what the doc has to say but I am going to challenge her.  I pay her for answers and trust her judgement...but I don't trust blindly.  I know what works best for me and I just need to do it.

Ok - this is for the grown folks again...dooty shooty update #2...So today, the mighty might toxins were jumping ship left and right.  They wanted out!  One time I was in the bathroom, just planning on doing number one when number two cut in on the act!  Uh oh!  You know my move...I had to flush and go, flush and go!  I couldn't stop it!  The mighty mighty toxins would not be denied!  So also in my conversation with Tam today, I told her that I could not drink 32 oz of liquid at one time.  That is how much fruit juice and veggie juice that I have to drink at one time.  She shared with me her story of the same sitation when she started.  She told me that it is because I am constipated.  WTF?!  A blockage?!  But I already sh*t two football fields...what is she talking about???  She said that my colon is full of "junk" that needs to get out and once I am done with the detox, I will be able to handle 32 oz of liquid at one time.  Imma trust her, this time.  I'll keep juicing and dancing and drinking until my body says stop.  As y'all know, I don't see too well but I can hear.  So I'm listening...

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