Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 8 - detox be damned when menses commences!

So today I had very little energy.  I was dragging my fat ass down 87th street, onto the Metra, then up the stairs to my office where I plopped my fat ass down.  I got there at 8:20 am and was ready to go home at 8:30 am.  I do not like those days.  In Landmark terms, I was in survival mode.  I just did what I needed to do to make the time pass until it was time to take my fat ass back home.  That's not a good look.  That doesn't get you to management.  That doesn't get you to bonuses.  Survival gets you to the unemployment office and I can't have that!  Momma needs a new fall wardrobe and a several new pairs of boots!  Have you seen the latest Macy's sale catalogue??  Ok, then you understand.  Well I realized that I was in full menses other period was kicking my ass!  That is the reason that I endured 3 hours of gut wrenching pain to kill the mighty mighty fibroids as they bleed every month, make me very anemic and zap my strength.  This coupled with the detox is a double whammy (no big money) to my body.  First, no eggs or oatmeal for breakfast...just juice.  No crab cake sandwich for lunch...just raw salad.  No curry chicken for dinner...just more damn juice.  Then bleeding like I can bottle it and sell it.  My body is freaking o-u-t!  That is what it was telling me slow down.  But when you have 'stuff' to do, there is no time to slow down.  I asked Tam what she recommends.  She said do more beets today.  Oooh yuck!  But I did it.  I went to Sbarro's and passed the shiny, good smelling pizza that the devil baked to the juice area.  I got a juice with extra beets.  My friend Shaunda went with me and she got a juice too.  She needed some energy for her workout so I recommended fruit juice.  She liked it!  Towards the end of the day, I took my iron supplements and when I got home, I did more beets.  I started to feel better then realized that I also needed to go shopping.  I am out of supplies.  This detox is high maintenance just like me!  So I attend my weekly Landmark call and shared about which areas of my life I work on auto-pilot.  Well today, work was one of those areas.  Several others are finances, relationship and spirituality.  But going forward, I promise to be in action in those areas of my life and create the life that I want in those areas.  Check with me around Christmas to see what I will have created.  (Santa - don't forget to put my flat stomach under the Christmas tree too!)

I wanted to go to Whole Foods but that is too far when you are in survival I went back to Jewels around 9 pm.  Very few cars and very few people in the store - love that!  I have time to smell, touch and pick exactly what I want.  I do not have to run over the old folks who move to slow, or rush pass the person who is just window you see, I have no patience!  And I especially have no tolerance for those bad ass kids who I am telling 'stop running' or 'where is your mother?' or 'put that down' or did you hear your mother call you - move your fat ass tubby!'  I digress.  Anyway, I buy my produce and fruit (does produce mean veggies?).  I check out with no problem.  I talk to the cashier and share that I worked for Jewels in high school.  She said that she started part time and never expected to still be there but 14 years later, here she is.  We laughed and I hoped that I distracted her enough so that she forgets to scan something but it didn't work.  I know, that's not the Christian way.  Anyway, I tell the bag boy, who is not a bag boy but a retired, older man singing Negro spirituals that I need a carry out.  He says, ok let me get my coat.  Then he proceeds to move with the lightening speed of a snail!  Did Bob the bag boy know about the mighty mighty toxins?  I gotta pee pee!  Hurry up!  I have no patience – oh, I think I said that already.  So while I wait, I look at my receipt - 114 damn dollars.  Oh wow!  This is more than last week and I bought less food.  But what I got this week was also storage containers, baggies and a butcher knife.  Y'all know all I had was a set of steak knives from Target.  That doesn't cut it - literally!  I also needed paper goods.  I use paper towels each morn and eve while juicing and while the menses commences, I use tons of toilet tissue.  So, me and Bob the bag boy walk out to the car and he is telling me how he used to substitute teach but the kids were too bad for him so he came here to Jewels.  He packs me up and again I wish Bob the bag boy could go home with me and bring my groceries into the house but no such luck.  I get home, unpack and run to the bathroom.  You know the mighty mighty toxins can only be put on pause for so long!  I handle that biz and put up the groceries.  I realized that while I was on auto-pilot earlier, I am not now.  I am creating the healthy life that I want to have.  Shopping and filling my fridge is new for me but very necessary, as Jay Z would say.  So I ask you – are you on auto pilot for your health…or are you creating the healthy life that you want to have, hold and cherish from this day forward?

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