Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 7 - not alot to say but alot to do...

So last nite I went to the denim and white party given by my Sorors of Tau Psi Zeta.  A good time was had by all!  I was an observer at the party last nite instead of an active participant.  See, as you detox, you have a heightened sense of awareness so I notice things now that I didn't notice before.  I looked, actually looked at all of the people in the party.  I noticed that we had all colors, shapes and sizes but mostly big sizes.  I remembered that when I was in my 20's, I wore size 12...when I was in my 30's, I wore size in my 40's, I started at 16 and am now back to 12, on my way to 10.  I wondered about my sisters who are in their 20's and are a size 16 or 18...where will they be at my age?  Is it okay to just keep gaining weight, buying bigger clothes and giving the smaller ones away to someone who is now growing into your old size?  You make the call.  For me, I thought it was ok, but now it is not.  I do not want to be at Great America with the grandkids on a scooter...or at Boule, sitting in the back because it takes too much energy, that I don't have, to walk to the front of the room.  I want to be vibrant like my Soror Gwen Smith.  She just turned 70 and is very active!  She is a cutie with her afro and loves to share her blessings with others.  I want to be like my little Jamaican mother..70+ firecracker!  She loves to shop (now you know where I get it from), go to parties and enjoy life with her family and friends!  That's what I want for me and I know that I am responsible for making it happen.  I know in my life that all things are done thru Christ and I use my free will that He gave me to honor Him and make my dreams come true!  How cool is that?!  I also know that he loves me and that he put it on Tam's heart to share this detox with me...what a great thing that is!  Realize that when someone shares their gift, that is God talking to you as he is the giver of our gifts and talents that we share in life.  I listened and I am blessed because of it!  I also noticed last nite, I was cold and sleepy.  I felt like Renee!  I never took off my jacket and had to fight sleep all the way home.  Thank God that Ladonna drove!  Thanks LD!  And no, the mighty mighty toxins did not come to the party.  They escaped me before the party - thank goodness!  I am learning how to time my bm's!  Yes, there is an art to it!  LOL!!

Lastly, I again am asking for prayers for my Soror Remel Duncan.  She is having surgery on Mon at Northwestern.  I know she would appreciate it, and if she could thank you personally, she would.  But since she can not, I can and will...thank you...God bless you!

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